Joe Eberhardt
Managing Member &
Investment Adviser Representative
Education and registration:
- Series 65 exam passed and registered as an investment adviser representative. Founder and managing member of Ravensview Capital Management, LLC.
- Post-graduate work toward PhDin resource economics at Oregon State University focusing on econometrics, statistics, and advanced mathematics.
- Masters Degree in Economics and Geography (double major) Southern Illinois University. Specializing in resource economics, environmental modeling, and advanced mathematical optimization techniques.
- Bachelors Degree in Finance (with a minor in economics). Southern Illinois University. Specialized in portfolio optimization, macro economics, and money & banking. Previously, had completed 3 years toward a degree in physics.
Striving to learn and do more, Joe Eberhardt has developed a diverse background that spans multiple fields of knowledge. Occupational sectors have included academia and the private sector with exposure to both regulated and unregulated industries and businesses. He has developed significant technical skills collected over a 25 year career including all aspects of trading, hedge and derivatives use, fundamental and technical analysis, and comprehensive investment and securities product knowledge.
Commodities background:
- Utility energy trading and structured products lead for Portland General Electric. Traded standard commodity products, cross-commodity transactions, and created unique structures in power, natural gas and oil. Extensive use of derivatives, and application of these to a self-created proprietary trading model. Applied hedge fund style strategies in the commodities space, including: pairs trading, leveraged directional trades, convertible arbitrage (delta trading), and event driven trades.
- Commodity storage expert directing the Pacific Northwest’s largest oil tank facility, managing: physical volumes, logistics, financial trading and hedging for crude oil and heating oil. Modeled and determined optimal natural gas storage to power multiple gas-fired power plants.
Renewable energy background:
- Lead developer at Portland General Electric for renewable energy projects in solar and geothermal power, and helped pioneer wind energy in the Pacific Northwest. Led a complex pumped storage hydropower project development and FERC licensing process for EDF Renewable Energy.
Adviser, brokerage, and academia background:
- Hedge fund specialist for Windermere Investment Associates in charge of all hedge fund research, style comprehension, selection, and performance reporting to high-net-worth clients of the investment adviser firm.
- Series 7 and Series 63 exams passed and formerly registered as a registered representative for Edward Jones selling investment products.
- Taught fundamental economics courses for Oregon State University as full time instructor. Taught investments, corporate finance and fundamental economics for Linfield College as an evening instructor.
US Army combat engineering serving overseas in Germany in the late 1980’s.