
We believe that each client, their goals, and thereby their portfolio is unique and demands a high level of personal attention and care.

We maintain a low client to adviser ratio. This advantages each client as we are readily available for discussion and are able to spend more time on their portfolio to ensure the highest level of attention to risks and opportunities.

Investment Counsel

Ravensview Capital provides professional ongoing advice and Investment Counsel for clients as our primary service.

Investment Counsel is a fee-only service based on the size of a client’s portfolio managed. The larger a client’s portfolio, typically the larger the total dollar fee amount charged, but also client’s may achieve a tier with a lower fee percentage.

Client’s with larger portfolios are typically able to weather more volatility which allows them to include more advanced styles and techniques (e.g. options and commodities), and also allows more meaningful allocations to multiple investment strategies. The resulting increased complexity in their portfolio reflects the higher total dollar fee amount charged.

There is a required minimum size of assets managed of $500,000.  Individual accounts of a person or immediate family are mutually pooled for purposes of calculating adviser fees and the minimum size.

What is Investment Counsel?

Investment Counsel involves professional ongoing advice, review, assessment, direction, and management of a client’s portfolio. The comprehensive portfolio management service provides clients the right guidance at the right time. Continual review and assessment of a client’s portfolio allows timely management of risks and opportunities. Attention to asset allocations, exposures to various risks, income cash flow, options expiry, and changes to fundamental aspects of invested securities, are all part of a professionally managed portfolio. It is the only way to actively manage a portfolio.

Specific services covered by Investment Counsel include:

  • A personal investment policy
  • Investment strategy
  • Asset allocation
  • Asset selection
  • Risk tolerance adherence
  • Regular portfolio monitoring
  • Performance assessment

If you currently work with another adviser, ask yourself if you are getting this level of service and if you are realizing both the service you expect and that which you are paying for.


Investment Counsel provided by Ravensview Capital is a fee-only service based on client’s Assets Under Management (AUM). AUM are the funds that the adviser has been delegated discretionary control to manage.

Investment Counsel also includes review and limited guidance on our client’s other Assets Under Advisement (AUA). AUA may include a client’s 401(k) or 403(b) plan at their current or past employer, employee stock options, private business interests owned, real estate, and similar financial assets that are not directly controlled or managed by the investment adviser.

It is our belief that a client’s total portfolio including both AUM and AUA must be considered in order to best understand the overlapping risks that may exist, and to ensure the client’s total portfolio is working toward their goals in the most effective and efficient manner.

Tier Assets Under Management by Tier Tiered Annualized Total Fee
First Tier $0 – $1,000,000 1.25%
Second Tier $1,000,001 – $5,000,000 1.00%
Third Tier $5,000,001 – And Up 0.75%

Our fee schedule is set based on the broadened perspective that it is the total portfolio including both AUM and AUA that must be managed.

Ravensview Capital seeks to minimize the total fees that a client pays, and therefore does not use mutual funds . Winnowing out other investment managers in the client’s portfolio avoids fee duplication and overexposure to managers that may charge substantial fees relative to their value added.

Fees charged by Ravensview Capital are negotiable.